J & M Services - Proud To Be Locally Owned

We Work Hard For Our Customers, And Our Reputation Proves It

Our Specialization Is Our Edge

Current Specials
(Click the links below for Printable Air Duct Cleaning Coupons!)
FREE Antibacterial Fogger
with Whole House Air Duct Cleaning (Not to be combined with other air duct cleaning Portland Or / SW Wash coupons)
with Whole House Air Duct Cleaning (Not to be combined with other air duct cleaning Portland Or / SW Wash coupons)
FREE Dryer Vent Cleaning
with Whole House Air Duct Cleaning (Not to be combined with other air duct cleaning Portland Or / SW Wash coupons)
with Whole House Air Duct Cleaning (Not to be combined with other air duct cleaning Portland Or / SW Wash coupons)
FREE In-depth Crawl Inspection
with Any Air Duct Cleaning or Dryer Vent Cleaning (This coupon MAY be used with other dryer vent cleaning or air duct cleaning Portland Or / SW Wash coupons)
with Any Air Duct Cleaning or Dryer Vent Cleaning (This coupon MAY be used with other dryer vent cleaning or air duct cleaning Portland Or / SW Wash coupons)
FREE Bath Fan Cleaning
with Whole House Vent Cleaning (Limit 3 bath fans. Not to be combined with other air duct cleaning Portland Or / SW Wash coupons)
with Whole House Vent Cleaning (Limit 3 bath fans. Not to be combined with other air duct cleaning Portland Or / SW Wash coupons)
$20 OFF Any Whole House Air Duct Cleaning
(Not to be combined with any other air duct cleaning Portland Or / SW Wash coupons)
(Not to be combined with any other air duct cleaning Portland Or / SW Wash coupons)