Dryer Vent Cleaning, More Than a Nuisance, a Very Serious Safety Hazard!
Should you have Dryer Vent Cleaning done in your home? Clothes not getting dry in the normal amount of time? Dryer seem to be working extra hard? These are signs of a restricted Dryer vent. Lint buildup in your Dryer’s vent system is more than a nuisance, it’s a very serious potential fire hazard! Lint buildup is a spark away from a house fire. Dryer vent cleaning Portland Or can be more of an issue than other areas due to our higher moisture levels (Non-stop rain 9 months of the year!!).
Fortunately, Dryer Vent Cleaning is relatively inexpensive and there is sure to be a contractor in your area providing these services. A licensed Air Duct cleaning provider will safely remove the fire hazard in your dryer’s ducting. Annual duct cleanings will keep your home safe, and avoid expensive appliance repair bills!
Jeremiah Doty
J&M Services. Air Ducts, Gas Piping, Ventilation, providing affordable Dryer vent cleaning Portland or and Vancouver Washington, with hundreds of happy customers!