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Gas Piping Service Areas
J&M Services Gas Piping Facts
We also get many calls for Gas Leak repair. The best thing for a homeowner to do when they smell gas is to call NW Natural! They will come out, locate the gas leak, assess the danger (if any) and tag the leak location, which speeds up the process when we arrive on the scene.
We have the same high dollar digital gas detectors (sniffers) as NW Natural. They will go off on your breath if you eat spicy foods, they’re VERY sensitive! We also use a contractor grade leak test solution, which will bubble visibly with even the smallest of leaks. Our leak solution is NOT just soapy water! The detergents in soapy water will actually degrade the teflon tape that seals the joints of the piping.
We get a few calls every year from “Off the Grid” homeowners. These tough folks live where power and common utilities are not available. Propane is the perfect answer! There are a surprising amount of propane (or Natural Gas) appliances available; Refrigerators, Freezers, Cooktops, Generators, Clothes Dryers, Heaters, Kilns, Indoor & Outdoor Lighting, Mosquito/bug lights, fireplaces, etc. We get many calls yearly for “Off the Grid” hunting or vacation cabins as well. We enjoy these jobs, many are in beautiful remote areas!
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Gas Piping Experts

Gas Piping Specialization has advantages for our clients