Why it’s more important than ever to retain high quality professionally trained Gas Line Installation Technicians
You want to keep those highly skilled & trained Gas Line Installation Technicians!
Keeping high quality professionally trained Gas Line Installation Technicians happy is more important than ever in our current economy. In case you haven’t noticed, there is a serious decline in available skilled labor across all the trades, but especially in specialty niche trades such as gas line installation and finish concrete workers. My friend and fellow business owner, Bill Bibler, has founded the National Apprenticeship For The Trades Foundation, an organization dedicated to educating the youth and schools on the value of learning a skilled trade. Fellow business owners like Bill Bibler have been forecasting the skilled labor shortage for awhile now, and have started to take action! Even with several organizations aimed towards increasing the skilled labor pool, we may often still find ourselves struggling to keep and maintain journeymen level technicians in all trades. At J&M Services, our goal from day one has been to provide the best work atmosphere possible. Long before the phrase “skilled labor shortage” was a common saying, we’ve been making taking care of our Technicians one of our top priorities! This approach has created an amazing “J&M Company Family” that stays loyal to the company and to eachother.
Good Technicians are still out there
This doesn’t mean you can’t find great Technicians, you may just have to get a little more creative and be willing to put in the effort to train in-house. At J&M, our professionally trained gas line installation Technicians are typically trained in-house by one of our long time Senior Lead Tech’s and/or the owner of J&M Services, Jeremiah Doty. Starting at the bottom with fresh blood gives our company the chance to instill values and morals that match the companies “motto”. We’ve had great success with personally training entry level Technicians, and it’s truly been a blessing to watch these young men & women learn a skilled trade and eventually become one of the licensed and professionally trained gas line installation technicians that have made our company stand out since day one!

Learn from other successful Companies 
Another Company well known for it’s positive work environment is Pacific Lifestyle Homes, who also happens to be one of our long term clients. Pacific Lifestyle Homes (PLH) has commended us on the morals & craftsmanship of our professionally trained gas line installation Technicians, and lists our amazing J&M Company Family as one of the primary reasons they’ve been a client of J&M Services for over a decade! PLH provides a uniquely positive work environment by thinking outside the box when it comes to their employees and subcontractors. They hold open forum meetings with subcontractors and allow them to voice their concerns, truly listening to the people they work with. They also set the bar for company parties by renting out the popular Alderbrook Park every Summer for not only their employees & families, but also the employees & families of ALL of their subcontractors! This friendly and open communication style creates a tight knit group of employees & contractors that often problem solve among themselves without any “prodding” from upper management.
Building a Work Family
Bringing work and family together is an older tradition that seems to be fading away. At J&M, we realize the sacrifices made by the families of our trained gas line installation Technicians, the long work days and late nights, the weekends missed working on a gas line installation, the sore muscles from a hard days work, the focus and dedication required to be a top journeyman in your trade! If you own a small business with skilled labor, don’t give up on Company Parties! We always go all out on our annual J&M Family Christmas Party! My Wife and I personally cook prime rib for all of our Technicians and their families, and we all sit together for Christmas Dinner. After dinner, it’s time for opening presents! Who doesn’t appreciate a fine bottle, a large bonus, and a few fun & useful gifts to unwrap?? Treat your Tech’s good year ’round, but always go all out for Christmas, cuz that’s what families do!
Treat others as you wish to be treated
This should go with out saying, but in this day you have to offer a solid benefits package to your professionally trained gas line installation Technicians. We offer a great paid vacation plan, personal line of credit with zero interest, a very solid medical insurance plan, paid Holidays, bonus plans, interest free tool accounts, we provide more tools than most companies in our trade, and we take care of our Technicians every chance we get. Bottom line, we want to see our hard working Tech’s stay healthy, happy, and keep as much of their paycheck as possible!
When it comes to retaining professionally trained gas line installation Technicians (or any skilled labor Tech), treating people like individuals goes a long ways. Technicians want to be recognized for their value, and who wouldn’t want some recognition after the long path to journeying out in a skilled trade!? The old saying “Treat others how you would like to be treated” goes a long ways. I guarantee any one of my Technicians would tell you they are treated like a real person and recognized for their contributions.
We Honestly & Truly care for our Tech’s
We truly care for our guys & gals like family, and it shows! J&M Services has amassed over 500 online 5 star reviews in the last decade, all thanks to our amazing J&M Work Family! Treat your skilled Technicians with respect, offer them the benefits they deserve, go above & beyond to make them feel valued, and you too can build the long lasting work relationships that we’ve enjoyed all these years. And to all of our long term professionally trained gas line installation Technicians; Thank you so much for making J&M Services who we are, hands down the best Gas Line Installation Company in the Pacific Northwest!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this article, maybe even learned a thing or two about how we at J&M Services keep our amazing work family happy & healthy!
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